“The Greedy Brother Takes Over, and Grandma’s Old Clocks Hold a $200K Surprise for Linda”
Story of the Day: Linda Gets Grandma’s Old Clocks and Her Greedy Brother Buys a House, Only to Find Out She Got Almost $200K
The ungrateful brother teases his younger sister after acquiring a house, because their late grandmother only left them five rusty old clocks. What was hidden inside those timepieces was unknown to them.
“Oh, so your granny gave you a call as well? I figured you would be busy in the library, like a good little bookworm. The 26-year-old Brian made fun of his younger sister Linda, who is 19 years old.

She had just exited the taxi. Though dread obscured her vision, her heart assured her that her grandmother would not suffer any harm. She’ll be OK. She still has a hundred years to live.
Arriving to visit their 90-year-old grandmother Marlene were Brian and Linda. She had requested to see her right away.
“Sweethearts, I hope to see you one last time. Two days earlier on the conversation, Marlene had soberingly told them, “I might not get another chance again.”
When Linda entered her grandmother’s bedroom and noticed how dusty it was, she started to cough. Marlene was too old and unwell to look after herself. Linda saw that there was mildew developing on the ceiling from leaks where she had forgotten to sweep the floor.

When Linda opened the clock and saw what was within, her life would change.
Saying, “Grandma!” she hurried to give Marlene, who was in bed, an embrace. “Grandma, you won’t experience any negative events. Do not be afraid, please. God will not take you from us since you are all we have.
Up until a year ago, Linda and Marlene shared a house. She looked after her really well and was really helpful. She was about to turn down a scholarship that may have changed her life, but Marlene convinced her to move to the city so she could complete her education.
Grinning, Brian cleared his throat to enter the space. “Oh no! I’m allergic to dust!” “Grandma, did you not sweep and dust your room?”
He could see his grandmother was sick and frail when he got closer. The least worried of them, however, did little more than wait and watch to see why she had called.
Grasping Linda’s quivering hands, Marlene met Brian’s eyes. The young girl felt hurt, seeing her grandmother so pallid, her once-beautiful glitter gone. It seemed as though they had passed away.
Marlene smiled, got to her feet gently, and took out two envelopes from under her pillow. “Sweethearts, this is for you,” she said. Please make effective use of it. I called to give it to you.
Upon opening the envelopes, Brian and Linda found a $5,000 wad in each.
Linda ran out of the room, sobbing uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, Brian frowned. Only to this extent? I thought you had more to offer. Well, I have to leave now. He turned his back on Marlene and walked away, not even saying thank you.
The next day, Marlene was in for a surprise.
“Grandma, good morning!” In her sleep, Marlene heard Linda chatting. She had no intention of returning.
She was startled awake when the girl drew back the curtains, letting bright light stream into the dark, dusty room.
She was shocked to see Linda. She had thought the girl had gone on to college and her part-time job as a city librarian.
Linda came up to her, carrying the envelope that Marlene had given her the day before.
“I added my $4,000 in annual savings.” Grandma, do you remember telling me about your vision issues? I have nine thousand dollars right now. We are now able to cover the cost of your eye surgery.
Marlene rolled over in bed. She hugged Linda, tears streaming down her face. I knew you better, darling! The process is too late, though. I sense that my end is coming. I don’t want to waste this money, and there are better uses for it.
As Linda dried Marlene’s tears, she declared that she would be moving in with her.

“I’ve taken a month off. I won’t leave, Grandma, until I see that beaming smile on your face.
And Linda knew just what had to be done to bring back Marlene’s grin.
Linda’s presence was of great assistance to Marlene. She was spared the trouble of cooking for herself.
Sometimes Marlene would eat stale bread for dinner since she didn’t feel like making herself a nice meal. But she was able to stand up again as Linda arrived. Never before had Marlene felt more content or comfortable.
One day she heard noises in her bedroom that she didn’t recognize, so she went outdoors to explore. It took her by surprise. With the nine thousand dollars Linda had spent, she had restored the house and corrected the leak.

“I’d known for a while that you intended to make repairs to grandpa’s precious house. Now, Grandma, are you happy? I remodeled the house to show you the beautiful house your grandfather and you shared. Do you like it?
Marlene was unable to speak. She rushed to embrace Linda, walking as fast as her frail legs would allow. Marlene wept on Linda’s shoulders that day in a like she had never experienced before.
Marlene made many wishes. “When I’m at my happiest on earth, I want to die!” A week later, her wish was granted. When Marlene died quietly, Linda’s heart was left more than broken.
A few days after the funeral, Linda and Brian were called to the lawyer’s office to discuss the late Marlene’s will, of which they were not aware.
When they got there, they discovered another surprise inheritance.
“Mr. White, your grandmother’s will states that you will inherit her home. These are the files. Please get them signed.
Linda appeared taken aback. Although she was upset that Brian had received the house when he didn’t deserve it due to her renovations, she wasn’t envious of her older brother.

The lawyer said, “And Miss Linda, this is yours,” as he moved a box toward Linda.
Shaking open the package, she exclaimed, “What is this?” She found five ancient clocks within. Brian burst out laughing, taunting her.
That’s ridiculous and incredibly cheap! I inherited the house from Grandma. She knew who was deserving of the best. You may decorate your rental home with these rusting clocks and cry over it, sis. Not everybody is lucky.
Feeling distressed, Linda ran away to the city, taking the clocks with her. She never bothered to look them very carefully until the day she noticed an engraving on one of them.
The words “OPEN IT!” were engraved in a beautiful cursive font on the metal.
Curious, Linda opened the clock, and what she discovered within would change her life’s path.
“A message?” She let out a cry and removed a tiny scroll from the clock’s inside. She unfolded it and then reclined in shock.
It is important to handle these old, corroded watches carefully! My grandfather possessed these antique timepieces for a century. They’re also constructed of fantastic, rare metal! “Every piece is worth $40,000, my dear,” the note stated.
Linda’s eyes filled with joyous tears as she read on.
“Everyone gets what they truly deserve, Linda! I’m glad the best was given to you. With love, from Granny Marlene.

Linda held the antique clocks close to her bosom and wept. They were still working; she could hear them ticking away close to her heartbeat. It appeared like her granny was still there.
Linda decided not to share this with her brother.
He is avaricious and thinks he received the best from grandmother. Let him continue to act on that assumption. Granny already knew who deserved the best, so I didn’t have to prove it to her. She shut the unusual timepieces in her drawer and went back to her thoughts.

What does the story impart to us?
Everyone gets what is theirs legally. Brian made fun of Linda when she found out that their grandmother had left only five old clocks. Unbeknownst to him, the pieces—each worth more than $40,000—had given her precisely what she deserved.
Honor and accept your elders for who they really are. You will be showered with love in return. Linda gave her grandmother her undivided attention and never asked for anything in return. Ultimately, she received an unexpected $200K legacy after her grandma passed away.
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