“This Dish: Should You Be Concerned About Its Health Impact?”

When it comes to preserving our health, the food that we include in our diet plays a considerable role, if not an essential one. In light of this, moderation is the most important thing. An excessive amount of a certain meal can have an impact on our general health and well-being.

If any of us want to keep our physical and mental health in good shape, we should all make it a priority to consume a diet that is well-balanced and abundant in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

With regard to the meals that have the potential to have a detrimental effect on our bodies, there is a particular Thai dish that is so hazardous to consume that it is estimated that it is responsible for the deaths of 20,000 people globally every year.

There is only one essential component that poses a threat, but the elements themselves do not offer any risk.

This cuisine, which is known as Koi Pla, is composed of raw fish, lemon juice, herbs, and spices; however, the people who live in modern-day Laos and Isan believe it to be a salad. There are occasions when galangal, shallots, and mint are utilized in order to enhance the flavor.

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A body of water in the Mekong region that is known to harbor parasitic flatworms is the source of the fish that is utilized in the preparation of this meal.

Due to the fact that people consume this food, it is really probable that they will finish up with parasites in their overall body. In addition to causing cancer of the liver, these parasites assault the liver.

The majority of patients who have this type of cancer are found in East Asian countries.

An effort is being made by Doctor Narong Khuntikeo to educate people about the risks associated with Koi Pla. Following the consumption of this food, his own parents passed away from liver cancer.

Regrettably, the Lao people are not going to pay attention. Despite the fact that cooking and eating this food, which has the potential to cause them to die, is a custom that they simply refuse to give up.

A statement made by Dr. Khuntikeo to Agence France-Presse stated that “it’s a very big health burden around here.” Nevertheless, nobody is aware of this since they pass away in a silent manner, just like leaves falling from a tree.

In the year 2017, the physician, in collaboration with a team of researchers, carried out urine tests and ultrasound scans on the residents of the region where the dish is served on a daily basis.

Approximately eighty percent of the people from the various groups were found to have been infected with the parasite, according to the findings.

When the findings are shared with the locals, the majority of them will not care about them.

On the other hand, one of them remarked, “Oh well, there are many ways to die.” Another person said, “I’ve never been checked before, so I think it’s likely that I will have it because I’ve been eating (koi pla) ever since I was a child.”

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