People Are OBSESSED With This Picture Of A “Headless” Dog
People are really confused by an image that is becoming popular on the internet because of its subject matter.
At first glance, it seems like a decapitated dog, so you can see why fear and worry would be rampant.
To properly understand what’s happening in this picture, you will definitely need to look at it more than once.
However, it’s not as horrible as you may think. That is greatly appreciated by us!
Soon after the picture was posted to Imgur, it became viral. It also makes total logic. Ultimately, the image garnered more than 143k views and 3.2k upvotes.
Ultimately, though, it was determined that the image was not cause for alarm. When he was barely a puppy, unfavorable circumstances forced the amputation of his front limb.
Unfortunately, this evolved into his owner snapping a picture of him as he turned to kiss his side.
Using a drawing diagram, someone was able to dispel people’s misconceptions about the photo on the internet.

To allay everyone’s anxieties, the dog’s owner released a full-front picture of the now-famous canine with three legs.

We can only imagine that he will become well-known as a pet influencer on social media very soon, considering how adorable he is.