Considering Heaven to be a “fantasy,” Arnold Schwarzenegger remarks, “We won’t see each other again after we’re gone.”
The legendary actor, bodybuilder, and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger is renowned for his candor and larger-than-life presence. In an interview with his longtime friend and fellow actor Danny DeVito, he recently sparked an important discussion regarding life after death. Part of an interview for Interview Magazine, their discussion covered a wide range of intimate and personal subjects, including Schwarzenegger’s open opinions about religion, paradise, and the afterlife. His viewpoint, in particular his conviction that heaven is a “fantasy,” has generated a great deal of discussion.

The legendary friendship between Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger began during the production of the 1988 comedy classic Twins. Their true off-screen relationship was reflected in their on-screen chemistry. They have stayed close over the years, frequently having in-depth discussions about topics other than their respective Hollywood jobs. What happens when we die is one of life’s most important topics, and it was touched upon in their most recent conversation.
In response to DeVito’s question regarding his beliefs regarding the afterlife, Schwarzenegger wasn’t subtle. He angrily replied, “Nothing,” recalling a similar query from radio presenter Howard Stern. It’s six feet below you. Anyone who claims otherwise is a f***ing liar. Some people might find Schwarzenegger’s severe outlook on death shocking, especially in light of his affable and positive public character.
Schwarzenegger’s philosophy of life and death is grounded in pragmatism. He showed a strong pessimism regarding heaven’s existence, writing it off as a consoling but ultimately baseless notion. He continued, highlighting the finality of death, “We don’t know what happens with the soul and all this spiritual stuff that I’m not an expert in, but I know that the body as we see each other now, we will never see each other again like that.”
Many people find consolation in the notion of heaven—a place where we meet up with loved ones after passing away. Schwarzenegger disputed this idea, calling it a “fantasy.” His perspective is based on a reality that, although unsettling to some, is a reflection of his own losses and experiences.
While it sounds wonderful to say, “I will see them again in heaven,” the truth is that we won’t cross paths with one another when we pass away. That’s the depressing part,” said Schwarzenegger. His statements show a keen sense of reality and an acceptance of death’s finality, which stands in stark contrast to the optimistic views that many people maintain.
Even though Schwarzenegger doubts the existence of a conventional afterlife, he has created his own version of heaven. For him, paradise is a place in his mind where he cherishes the memories of the people he loves, not a real location in the sky. “Heaven is where I put that person who I love so much, who is kind and generous and who changed my life and the lives of others,” he said.
In his own words, Schwarzenegger compares this mental paradise to a “front row” where the people who have had a profound influence on his life are housed. With this approach, he is able to maintain a close relationship with these people even after their passing, providing a special fusion of tenderness and realism.
It may appear that Schwarzenegger’s present opinions contradict his Catholic upbringing. He was schooled in Catholic schools and was raised in the Catholic Church, frequently attending services. In an interview from 2021, Schwarzenegger discussed the influence his Catholic upbringing had on him throughout the years, mentioning in particular the idea of having “a servant’s heart”—that is, committing oneself to something bigger than oneself.
His life has undoubtedly been impacted by this idea, as evidenced by his experiences as California’s governor and in his Hollywood career. Schwarzenegger frequently stresses the value of doing community service and upholding the principles of duty and selflessness that he was taught as a young man. These fundamental principles still influence his behavior and views even though he is skeptical about the hereafter.

In addition to being a personal statement, Schwarzenegger’s thoughts on his religious upbringing also have a message for public officials. He has repeatedly urged elected politicians to live up to the values of commitment and service that he learned as a young child. He believes that leaders that put the greater good ahead of their own interests or political ambitions are what the world needs right now.
According to Schwarzenegger, “what we need from our elected representatives right now is a public servant’s heart,” calling on them to put aside their politics and work for the principles that underpin society. Even though his opinions on particular religious ideas have changed, his remarks demonstrate the continued effect of his early religious education.
The openness with which Arnold Schwarzenegger discusses heaven, religion, and the afterlife offers a fascinating window into the thoughts of a man who has experienced an incredible life. He challenges conventional wisdom while also providing a welcome dose of truth with his opinion that heaven is a “fantasy” and his forthright acceptance of death’s finality. The thoughts of Arnold Schwarzenegger serve as a reminder that our life choices and the way we honor the dead may have greater significance than the afterlife.
Even while his opinions might not agree with everyone’s, they make us think more deeply about how we see life, death, and the hereafter. His ideas are straightforward and profoundly about appreciating the present and respecting the legacy of those we love, in typical Schwarzenegger way.