Your family would suffer from ill fortune if you maintain these objects; consequently, you should not keep them. 😦😲
1.Disposing of Pots and Pans That Have Been Damaged

It is imperative that you get rid of any damaged pots and pans in your kitchen as soon as possible, regardless of how severe your financial situation may be.
Tools used in the kitchen, which are typically made of glass, ceramic, or plastic, are susceptible to deterioration with time. It is possible that the use of damaged pots and pans will give off a shabby vibe, which is indicative of financial loss and misery.
In the past, only those who were impoverished or beggars used dishes that were damaged.
The current living conditions are so much better that it is no longer necessary to keep dishes that are ruined.
For reasons of safety, it is imperative that your dishes and utensils be in good condition, particularly if you have children of a younger age.
It is possible that broken things are not cleaned adequately, which could allow bacteria to flourish and put the health of the individual at risk.
Broken cookware has the potential to accumulate dust and debris if it is not properly maintained, which will make the situation much more undesirable.
2.Do not store glass fish tanks that are not being utilized.

There are a lot of people who enjoy keeping fish in glass tanks, but they could forget about the tank if they lose interest in the fish or if the critter ultimately passes away.
In feng shui, fish tanks are considered to be a symbol of success and good fortune. Dust that accumulates in an empty fish tank might be interpreted as a lack of prosperity and have the potential to bring negative energy into your home.
If you decide that you no longer want to keep fish, you might want to consider growing aquatic plants in the tank in order to save space and reduce the feeling of financial loss. Alternatively, you could do rid of the tank altogether.
Due to the fact that they are readily broken, fish tanks that are not being utilized pose a risk, particularly to children.
3.Do not keep used bedding for children in your home.
The practice of storing these items for an extended period of time is not likely to be beneficial to the development of the child.
As time passes, it may become more challenging to thoroughly clean these items because of stains that are caused by substances such as milk, urine, or medicinal substances.
Keeping them around can have an impact on the atmosphere in the house and increase the likelihood of bacteria being present.
According to the principles of feng shui, if ancient artifacts are kept around for an extended period of time, it may have a negative impact on the growth and health of a child.
- Do not keep old shoes unworn and unused.

This is a behavior that is frequently seen. The shoes that have been worn out should be discarded without delay, regardless of the financial situation of your family.
Old shoes have the potential to harbor bacteria and bad scents, all of which can have a detrimental effect on the feng shui of your domestic space.
It is a waste of space to store shoes in a storage unit that is no longer useful. According to Feng Shui, if you keep your old shoes, it could be detrimental to your opportunity for progress and financial success.
As a result of throwing away old shoes, living conditions will improve, and the door will be opened to additional opportunities for growth and success in the future.