The greatest desire of all parents is for their kids to grow up happy and healthy.
Karen Rodas and Paul Bybkin were happy for just 36 hours after the birth of their son Nathaniel because that is how long the infant lived. He was born with polycistic kidney disease (PKD), a disorder that damages the kidneys and leads to the growth of cysts. Unfortunately, this frequently results in renal failure, which is precisely what happened to infant Nathaniel.

Maddy, the couple’s daughter, was born in 2013. Regretfully, what their parents feared most came to pass. When Maddy was born, her parents were devastated since she had the same ailment as her deceased brother. The girl’s stomach resembled that of a woman who was nine months pregnant due to its extreme swelling.
This time, however, things changed for the better, and Maddy’s father gave her one of his kidneys, giving her a second chance at life.
Sweet Maddy spent the majority of her life in and out of hospitals before to this life-saving surgery, sleeping for up to eighteen hours every day.
The family was told by the doctors that finding a suitable donor was the only way to ensure that Maddy would grow up normally.

It just so happened that Daddy was a match!
Karen reportedly stated, “My nerves were a wreck with Paul and Maddy, two of my most precious souls, going under the knife,” according to The Mirror.
Paul and Maddy both made a full recovery following the successful procedure.
“Our little girl has been saved by Daddy’s kidney,” Karen continued. She has endless energy now. She is now a happy and healthy two-year-old with a huge belly that only appears slightly rounder.
Paul, however, feels that all he did was what any parent would do for his child.
“Even though we’ve been through a lot, any parent would have given Maddy my kidney like I did. According to The Mirror, he stated, “It’s just a part of being a parent.”
“We are feeling great right now and can see Maddy develop into a contented and healthy young child.”

She will most likely need to have another transplant procedure in 25 years, but in the meantime, she has plenty of time to appreciate life and live it to the fullest.
We wish this beautiful family all the joy life has to offer and are incredibly pleased for them. Tell your loved ones about this beautiful tale and wish them luck as well.
We wish this beautiful family all the joy life has to offer and are incredibly pleased for them. Tell your loved ones about this beautiful tale and wish them luck as well.