It is a risky endeavor to have arteries that are clogged. The most dangerous of these health problems are high blood pressure and heart attacks, but they can cause a wide range of other health problems as well. However, how can you determine whether or not your arteries are clogged before the situation becomes more serious or before you require medical attention? Watch what you’re doing with your body: You might not be aware of these symptoms, yet they are indicators that your arteries are clogged.
The 10 Warning Signs That Your Arteries Are Clogged

The blood vessels that are responsible for transporting oxygenated blood throughout the body are called arteries. They transport this blood to your brain, as well as to all of the major and minor organs in your body, to your muscles, and even all the way down to the tips of your fingers and toes. Because the walls of healthy arteries are smooth and there are no blockages in the way, blood is able to flow freely through them. Plaques, on the other hand, have accumulated on the walls of arteries that are clogged. In addition to reducing blood flow, these plaques have the potential to completely obstruct it, which can result in a heart attack.
Being Aware of the Signs

In order to remedy the issue before it poses such a serious risk to your health, it is essential to be aware of the early warning indications of restricted blood flow to the arteries. The good news is that clogged arteries can be improved with very straightforward dietary and physical activity modification steps. A number of medications may be prescribed to you by your physician in order to assist in maintaining the health of your arteries, particularly if they are quite highly clogged or if you come from a family with a history of heart problems. Visit your physician as soon as possible if you experience any of these 10 warning symptoms of clogged arteries so that a strategy can be devised to improve your condition.

In all honesty, what is an illness that does not have nausea as a symptom? One of the most perceptive ways in which our bodies communicate with us that something is amiss is by causing us to feel sick. Evidently, the mere fact that you are experiencing nausea does not necessarily indicate that your arteries are blocked. In spite of this, you should go see your physician about it if it continues to be a problem.
Abdominal Ache

Pain in the chest is also referred to as angina. Plaque within the arteries that lead to the heart causes a reduction in the amount of blood that flows to the heart, which is the cause of this condition. Angina typically starts in the chest, close to the breast bone, and can spread to other areas of the body, including the jaw, upper back, left arm or shoulder, and left arm. It is imperative that you consult your physician as soon as possible if you are suffering persistent chest pain and swelling.
Having difficulty breathing

Having difficulty breathing could be a sign that your pulmonary arteries are blocked, which would explain why you are having this condition. Even though it is not unusual to have shortness of breath after ascending stairs or engaging in physical activity, you should seek medical attention if the symptoms persist for an extended period of time, are more severe than usual, and especially if they occur when you are sedentary.
Your body may be experiencing a weakness or numbness on one side.

It is possible that you will feel a lack of strength or numbness on one side of your body if the blood flow in your carotid arteries is reduced or if it goes completely out of circulation. These arteries, which are positioned on either side of the neck, are known as the carotid arteries. They are responsible for transporting blood from the heart to the head. Both of them divide into two branches, one of which transports blood to the brain and eyes, and the other of which transports blood to the face, tongue, and other portions of the head that are located outside of the head.
Words coming out slurred

It is possible that slurring your speech is a symptom of a number of different diseases. Among these is the fact that the carotid arteries in your body are obstructed. One of two possible explanations for this is that it is either the inner branch that transports blood to the brain or the exterior branch that transports blood to the tongue.
Loss of Vision

If the outer branch of the carotid artery is blocked, one of the symptoms that can occur is vision loss. Both eyes could be affected by this condition. Seek medical attention as soon as possible if you suddenly find that your ability to see has diminished or if you are experiencing blurred vision.
Ache in the legs

What could be causing the pain in your legs? There are a million and one possible explanations for this. It is possible that peripheral arteries are obstructed, which is one of these factors. You have arteries in your arms and legs, and these are the ones. Pain in one leg that cannot be explained by any other factor, such as an injury, may indicate that you have an artery that is blocked.
Feet that are chilly

If your blood is unable to circulate freely throughout your body, the temperature of your extremities will drop. The presence of cold feet may indicate that the circulation of blood in your legs is restricted or stopped, preventing it from reaching your feet in the appropriate manner. It’s possible that this is an indication of a clogged peripheral artery.
Foot injuries that take longer to heal than expected

This occurs in conjunction with the cold feet that cannot be explained. In order to heal, wounds require blood. If blood is not flowing there, or if it is not flowing there in appropriate amounts, then the healing process for these injuries will be sluggish or won’t occur at all. In the event that you observe that injuries in your feet or lower legs are not healing as they should, you should consult with your physician.
Palpitations of the heart

To tell you the truth, you should consult a medical professional whenever you observe any variations in your heart rate. Heart palpitations are a feeling that occurs when your heartbeat becomes obvious all of a sudden. This could be an indication that your blood is not flowing as it should be. This may give the impression that your heart is fluttering, thumping, or beating in an erratic manner. The duration of it will typically be no more than a few seconds or minutes. If you are experiencing these sensations, it is probable that you will also feel them in your throat or neck.
To summarize, the bottom line

The fact that you are aware of the symptoms of clogged arteries, in addition to other health concerns, does not mean that you are a hypochondriac. The purpose of this is to safeguard you. Your life or the life of someone you care about could be saved if you are aware of the signs and symptoms that you are experiencing and have the courage to seek medical counsel when you observe them. Consider your symptoms to be significant and consult a medical professional.