2 / I’ll Always Be Thankful to the Delivery Man for His Note, Which Forced Me to Install Security Cameras Throughout My Home

Not unusual at all, just our typical nonsense. However, I froze when I opened the second can. There was an assortment of gloves, several small tools, and an unclear bottle containing an unknown substance inside, all wrapped up in an old blanket. I felt panic take hold of me.”Mum? Are you alright? My jaw dropped at Isla’s voice. I snapped the lid closed and gave her a phony smile. “I’m doing great, my love. Just making sure. Enter now, and I’ll be there shortly. Upon Isla’s disappearance, I promptly contacted the sheriff’s department. “This is Leona speaking to the Sheriff’s Department.” It’s Nora, Leona. You must come over right now. Something unsettling was discovered in my trash.
As I explained what was inside the can, Leona’s tone became serious. “Avoid making any contact. I’m heading there. Till I get there, stay inside with the kids.I hung up, but the worry didn’t go away. Lately, there had been a spate of break-ins in our neighborhood using eerily similar techniques: chemicals to break locks and rigorous evidence cleanup. The prospect of my house being the next on the list gave me a chill. “What’s going on, Mom?” Kai inquired, sensing my discomfort. I told him, “Everything’s fine,” but my grin seemed forced. “It’s time for dinner.” There was a tap on the door right as we were getting settled to dine. I stiffened, but when I glanced through the peephole and saw Leona, I felt relieved.I said, “Kids, stay here and finish dinner,” and went outside to talk to her. I told Leona everything that I had discovered in the garbage, along with Ravi’s note and his odd conduct. Her gaze swept across the street as she listened intently. “It was the right thing for you to call me,” she remarked. “I’ll look over and have an analysis done on what you found. I highly advise you to strengthen your security in the meanwhile. We’ll keep an eye on the area all night. I could not sleep that night. I studied security systems for hours, listening to every noise. I was jittery by morning from too much caffeine and not getting enough sleep.I made an exact 8 a.m. call to a security firm. “My house needs cameras installed all around it. Right now. “Ma’am, next week is our earliest slot—” “No,” I cut in, my voice cracking. “There is a plan afoot to break into my house. Now, I really need those cameras. The receptionist may have heard the urgency in my tone because she lowered her voice. “Let me check my capabilities. Could you hang on for a bit? She returned after what seemed like a lifetime, and she had wonderful news. “One of us had to cancel. Our group can arrive in two hours. When the security team showed there, I paced the house while they set up the cameras. All of a sudden, every dog walker and every passing car appeared suspicious. Leona’s face was serious as she pulled into my driveway as they were about to end.”Nora, we should speak inside,” she murmured. I sent the children upstairs and sat down with her. She declared, “The lab results are in.” “That liquid you discovered? It is a strong corrosive that is frequently used to break locks. My heart fell. Thus, that is accurate. They intended to break in. “It seems like it,” Leona said. But you’ve done the appropriate actions. We have installed your security system and are stepping up our patrols. It was then that I saw Ravi pulling up to a neighbor’s house. “He is here,” I replied as I walked over to the window.Leona said, “Talk to him, but be careful.” “We’re not sure if he’s a concerned onlooker or involved.” Just as Ravi was ready to depart, I went up to him. I needed answers, but he was tense. He said, “I’m sorry about yesterday,” before I could say anything else. “I observed a few men tampering with your rubbish. They had a seedy appearance. Though I was afraid they might still be around, I wanted to warn you. I felt a wave of relief. “So you left the note for that reason?” He gave a nod. “I apologize if I frightened you.””My family might have been rescued by you, Ravi. Thank you,” I responded, a great deal of emotion in my voice. Afterwards, I sat in front of the new security monitors after putting my kids to bed. The footage from the cameras showed deserted yards and calm streets, but I couldn’t get rid of the unsettling impression that someone was watching and waiting for their opportunity. I realized I wasn’t alone no matter what happened next. A story of caution and surprising allies was created out of a potential tragedy thanks to Ravi’s quick thinking, Leona’s devotion, and my own willpower. Now, all I could do was stay vigilant and ensure my family’s safety.