Imagine beating the odds from the moment you were born by not having a nose. This is Tessa’s amazing reality; she is a really special person who has exceeded everyone’s expectations.

People who know Tessa have always had a particular place in their hearts for her individuality. Despite the fact that her disability makes her stand out as “special” and “different,” her spirit is unwavering and radiant as ever.
It is important to recognize the rarity of Tessa’s diagnosis. Only a tiny portion of the global population, or about 100 infants, are estimated to have this incredibly rare illness, according to recent studies. Her very existence is a potent monument to the astounding diversity of humankind.

Tessa is unable to smell, but she is still capable of sneezing uncontrollably and even dealing with allergic rhinitis (ARI). Her flexibility and perseverance in overcoming these challenges are truly amazing.
Tessa has shown an unrelenting dedication to study and an unquenchable curiosity since she was a small child. Her parents have always had unshakeable faith in her potential for a bright future. They are proud of her and are always there to encourage her.
Eight years later, Tessa is a testament to tenacity and fortitude. She has struggled with heart issues and partial blindness in one eye, among other things. These obstacles, nevertheless, have only strengthened her resolve to live each day to the fullest.
There is a ray of hope for Tessa and her family in the future. They are still hopeful that Tessa will have the chance to get a prosthetic nose in the future because to advancements in science and medicine. She could seem more in line with society’s limited notion of “normal” if she did this.

Tessa’s incredible journey is an encouragement to everyone facing obstacles in life, not just those with special circumstances. Her experience demonstrates that even the most difficult situations can be conquered with steadfast support and willpower.