Over the past few years, our law enforcement agents have been confronted with situations that are becoming increasingly difficult and even hazardous. A number of people have, unfortunately, been unfairly targeted or attacked. Even worse, most of them have been portrayed in the same light, as if every single law enforcement officer is in some way dishonest or crooked.
One proprietor of a restaurant in Gallipolis, Ohio, however, made the decision to take a stand. They wanted to demonstrate to these men and women in uniform that they are respected, valued, and extremely essential to the communities in which they serve to our communities.
Now, what exactly did they do? They hung a sign in their window and displayed it. A seemingly insignificant action, but one that is rich in content. It is a gesture of appreciation and a thank you for the selfless sacrifices that these courageous individuals make on a daily basis in order to ensure our safety.

To add insult to injury, that placard was responsible for quite a commotion. It was something that people online couldn’t stop talking about. On Facebook, the number of likes and shares skyrocketed to new heights. The people who worked in the store went along with it, nodding their heads in agreement with what was being said.
Naturally, however, not everyone was on board with the idea. There were some individuals who believed that it was unfair to single out the police force alone. The argument that they made was that all first responders ought to be treated in the same manner.
What else is there to say? Their argument is valid. Even members of law enforcement, such as the officer who manages the Facebook page for Ohio Going Blue, were in agreement. “Hey, we’re not looking for handouts,” these individuals stated. However, it is a very pleasant experience to be acknowledged.

Indeed, they are correct. There are more to it than just free lunches. It’s about giving credit where credit is due and acknowledging the efforts and commitment of everyone who has put their lives in danger for us.
Because of this, gestures such as these mean a lot. It is a sign of respect. Gratitude is a lesson that they teach us. And they make sure that our daily heroes are aware that we recognize them, that we value them, and that we have their backs with them.
KFC deserves praise for the great offer that they have made. It might not seem like much, but providing those who don the uniform with a free dinner is something that means the world to them. We are grateful to them for their unrelenting dedication to ensuring our safety each and every day, and this is a gesture of our appreciation.