Starbucks Barista Praised for Thoughtful Message on Coffee Cup to Help Young Customer

When he noticed a young customer in need, a quick-thinking Starbucks barista in Corpus Christi, Texas, raised the standard for coffee makers worldwide.

The Starbucks employee has received a lot of acclaim for subtly intervening when a strange-behaving male approached a teenage girl.

Staff spotted a man talking loudly to the 18-year-old woman who had been studying quietly at the coffee shop. A barista, sensing danger, devised a covert scheme to see how she was doing.
It was “an extra hot chocolate someone forgot to pick up,” the barista explained as she handed her a cup.

But the following was put on the side: “Are you okay? Would you like us to step in? Remove the cup’s lid if you do.

The Mother of a Teen Tells a Sweet Story

Brandy Roberson, the teen’s mother, posted about the incident on Facebook and thanked the staff for their attentiveness.

She claimed to have gasped. She was so moved when she looked up and saw that every employee was staring at her and willing to assist,” Roberson told KRIS 6 News.

“My 18-year-old daughter was at Starbucks, alone, the other night,” the mother wrote on Facebook. A man approached her and struck up a conversation. She was given “an extra hot chocolate someone forgot to pick up” by a barista. How appreciative I am to those who watch out for others!

January 30, New York, New York: This image depicts a Starbucks coffee cup resting on a table at a Manhattan location on January 30, 2024, in the city of New York. On Tuesday, the international coffee giant formally unveiled its beverages infused with extra virgin olive oil. The drinks, known as Oleato, made their debut in Italy in February 2023 and will be available in stores on the day that Starbucks releases its fourth-quarter financial results.

“She felt safe and did not remove the lid, but let them know,” Roberson explained. She claimed that during her remaining time there, the entire team was keeping an eye on her.
“Thank you to the staff at Starbucks on Staples and SPID in Corpus Christi,” she continued.

She told KRIS, “This crew is a great example for other people and businesses. I don’t know if Starbucks trains their baristas that way, but if they don’t, my gosh take a note from this crew.”

Social Media Accolades and Trending Responses

Tens of thousands of people shared the story and left comments praising the Starbucks staff for their quick thinking, which caused it to go viral very quickly.

“So thoughtful and so happy to know there are incredible people paying attention,” one reader commented.

Another Facebook user commented, “This makes me believe in people again.” This is love for the other, protection, and sorority. Not just a bystander who notices the danger and takes out their phone.

“As a father of a daughter, I’m glad people are still looking out,” said another.

Others stressed how crucial it is to speak up when things are unclear. “More people ought to be proactive like this in today’s culture. You simply can’t tell what a situation actually is. Bravo to the vigilant Starbucks employees,” someone said.

The tremendous response demonstrated how even seemingly insignificant gestures can have a significant impact, and many people urged other companies to provide their staff with comparable training.

A Starbucks coffee store. People were demanding that more employees receive the same level of vigilance training. Getty Images/Jeremy Moeller

This Starbucks staff demonstrated that sometimes a small remark on a coffee cup can be a significant act of kindness in a society when it’s simpler to look the other way.

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