Smart Food Choices for Maintaining Balanced Blood Sugar

Your general health depends on maintaining your blood sugar level, which also helps avoid or postpone major problems. A person’s body weight, exercise level, stress level, and heredity can all affect their blood sugar levels. However, eating a nutritious diet can also help lower blood sugar levels. We have put together a list of over ten foods that will drop blood sugar to assist you in selecting the ideal foods to help you reach this objective.

A pumpkin

Because of their high fiber and antioxidant content, pumpkins are an excellent option for controlling blood sugar levels. Pumpkin has long been used as a traditional treatment for diabetes in various nations, including Mexico and Iran. Polysaccharides, a kind of carbohydrate that has long been researched for its ability to control blood sugar levels, are abundant in delicious pumpkins. Pumpkins are ideal foods for blood sugar management because they are also high in protein and good fats.


Rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and antioxidants, seafood can help reduce blood sugar levels. Protein slows down digestion, increases feelings of fullness, and helps avoid blood sugar surges after meals. Consuming fatty fish on a regular basis, including salmon and sardines, can also improve blood sugar control. Eating 750 grams of fatty fish per week was associated with better postmeal blood sugar levels than those who ate lean fish, according to a study that involved 68 obese participants.


When broccoli is diced or chewed, a plant component called sulforaphane is created that lowers blood sugar. Numerous research on humans, animals, and test tubes have demonstrated the strong antidiabetic properties of broccoli extract, which is high in sulforaphane.

These characteristics lessen oxidative stress indicators and improve insulin sensitivity. Glucosinolate, which is abundant in broccoli sprouts, is a chemical that helps people with type 2 diabetes lower their blood sugar levels and increase their sensitivity to insulin.

Lentils with Beans

Protein, fiber, and magnesium are among the many elements found in lentils and beans that can lower blood sugar levels. Significant amounts of soluble fiber and resistant starch are also included in them, which help to improve the blood sugar response after meals and slow down digestion.

When compared to a meal of rice alone, adding chickpeas or black beans to rice significantly lowered blood sugar levels after a meal, according to a study with 12 female participants.

Seeds of Chia

Blood sugar control may be aided by chia seed use. Eating chia seeds lowers blood sugar levels and increases insulin sensitivity, according multiple research. Consuming chia seeds may lower the risk of contracting some diseases, such as diabetes, according to a 2020 analysis of multiple animal research. In a human trial, participants who ingested 25 grams of pulverized chia seeds with a sugar solution showed a 39% decrease in blood sugar levels compared to those who ingested the sugar solution alone.


Okra is a fruit high in polysaccharides and flavonoid antioxidants, which are substances that reduce blood sugar. The seeds are a good natural treatment for diabetes since they also have qualities that reduce blood sugar. Strong antidiabetic substances, including polysaccharides and the flavonoids isoquercitrin and quercetin 3-O-gentiobioside, have been discovered in okra. More human trials are required to confirm these qualities, even if animal research have showed a lot of promise.


Avocados are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and good fats. This implies that they will significantly improve blood sugar management when added to any meal.

Avocados may help lower blood sugar levels and prevent the development of metabolic syndrome, according to several studies. This syndrome is a collection of illnesses, including high blood sugar, that raise the chance of developing chronic diseases.


Berries are high in nutrients, vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. Berries are a fantastic substitute for people who have trouble controlling their blood sugar because of all these nutrients. According to a 2019 study, giving 250 grams of red raspberries with a carbohydrate-rich meal significantly reduced postmeal insulin and blood sugar levels in prediabetic people when compared to a control group.


Eating eggs has been shown in several trials to help control blood sugar levels. This is due to the fact that eggs are rich in protein, good fats, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

According to one study, eating a large egg daily reduced fasting blood sugar in obese persons with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes by 4.4%. Insulin sensitivity was also enhanced by consuming one large egg daily.


Oats are the ideal breakfast choice because of their high soluble fiber content. This is due to the fact that soluble fiber has been demonstrated to lower blood sugar levels. When compared to control meals, eating oats dramatically lowered fasting blood sugar levels and HbA1c, according to a study of 16 distinct trials. According to a different study, sipping oat bran-infused water before to eating white bread lowered blood sugar levels after meals. This was in contrast to merely drinking water by itself.

Kefir and yogurt

Kefir and yogurt are both fermented dairy products that may help control blood sugar levels. 600ml of kefir significantly lowered fasting blood sugar and HbA1c levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes, according to one study. Daily yogurt eating was associated with a 7% lower risk of type 2 diabetes, according to an assessment of many research.

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