I readily acknowledge that I lack proficiency in horticulture. The vitality of my outdoor gardens is solely attributable to my spouse, as I have completely relinquished my efforts with indoor plants. The leaves of my houseplants were persistently exhibiting a yellow hue, subsequently transitioning to brown at the margins.
I was unable to ascertain whether I was administering excessive water or insufficient hydration. Should you have encountered analogous difficulties with your flora, this is likely the underlying explanation.

The appearance of yellow and brown foliage on houseplants typically indicates inadequate watering practices. It is essential to ensure that your houseplant is situated in a pot that possesses drainage openings. Water the plant until water runs readily out the holes. Inadequate watering is one contributing factor to the appearance of brown, scorched foliage.
The presence of browning foliage on your houseplants may also signify insufficient humidity levels within your residence. It is essential to acknowledge that these plants are indigenous to warm, moist, and humid environments, such as jungles; consequently, the arid air present in your home may pose a significant challenge to their well-being. You may either operate a humidifier in the vicinity of your houseplants or periodically moisten them with water every few days to replicate a humid environment.

If you have implemented all of these measures and your houseplants continue to exhibit brown foliage, it is possible that you are either over-fertilizing them or utilising softened water for irrigation. Plants do not thrive in softened water; therefore, if your residence is equipped with a water softener or utilises soft water, it is advisable to irrigate your indoor plants with distilled water.
In the event that you are confronted with particularly discoloured leaves, it may be necessary to prune the entire leaf and allow for regrowth. Should there be a minor degree of discolouration at the periphery, one may excise the affected portion, adhering to the natural contour of the leaf.
Having acquired these straightforward yet essential guidelines, it is hoped that your houseplants will remain devoid of brown foliage and flourish for many years to come.