Shelby Daniele was perceived as a luminous figure who departed prematurely.
The tragic loss of Shelby Daniele, 23, has left her community stunned and grieving. Beyond her incredible feats of breaking records, this remarkable athlete has left a lasting impact.

Many people at Cal Poly and Buchanan High were inspired by Daniele’s generosity, smarts, and athleticism. Since her sudden passing, she has received several honors and messages of sympathy.
On Instagram, Cal Poly Track & Field honored Daniele’s life by sharing details about her five years of service, her academic successes, and her leadership role on the team. As some have put it, Shelby was genuinely unique.

Daniele’s victory in the 2019 California State Meet and her selfless assistance to fellow students during difficult times were recognized by Buchanan High School. Her coach, Brian Weaver, described her as “everything you want in a young athlete”—affable, encouraging, and dedicated.

Many people flocked to Veteran’s Remembrance Stadium, where Daniele used to wow large crowds, for a candlelight remembrance. Shelby’s influence on everyone is something that the girl’s sister invited everyone in the neighborhood to partake in.

A touching portrait of Daniele’s character—that of a leader, friend, and role model—emerges on social media as depressing remarks about her passing go viral. Her passion for farming and caring for the environment will be missed.

Daniele excelled academically, graduating from Cal Poly with a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in agriculture. Her ambition to use eco-friendly acts to alter the planet will serve as an inspiration to future generations.

We extend our deepest sympathies to Shelby’s friends, family, and everyone else she affected.