Plucking a Hair from Your Skin: This Shocking Simulation Shows What Happens

Before you watch this startling simulation, there aren’t many things more unattractive than a stray hair sticking out where you don’t want it to.

A stubborn unwanted hair can be a major annoyance and a cosmetic error, and you may be tempted to use your favorite pair of tweezers to get rid of the problem in the fight against peach fuzz.

Beyond a mild sting of pain, you might not even consider it. In fact, a good pluck may provide you a flush of satisfaction.

In fact, “over plucked” eyebrows, often known as “barely there brows,” became popular in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

However, many people who rocked the thin brow around thirty years ago may have discovered that they have very little hair left to work with if this horrifying simulation is to be believed.

The viral simulation, which is unsettling to see, was created by Zackdfilms, whose YouTube portfolio features strange and amazing animations of real-life situations and explainers that are praised by his 19 million subscribers.

As a ‘simple approach’ to get rid of undesirable hairs, the movie begins by noting that’most’ individuals grab tweezers to do so.

But it also shows what actually occurs beneath the skin’s several layers, where the hair root is located.

“Plucking actually rips out the entire root,” the video went on to say.

“This damages the follicle, which can cause the new hair to grow in at an angle.”

As if that weren’t enough of a warning, the simulation displays a throbbing and seemingly disturbed follicle where the hair was once buried.

Then, a fresh hair is seen entering the area, but it is circling in the wrong direction and is unable to penetrate the skin.

In order to avoid becoming stuck behind the skin and growing to a bulbous size, which can often look worse than the hair itself, our hairs should ideally be able to penetrate the skin’s surface.

It can “get trapped under the skin, resulting in irritation and ingrown hairs,” Zackdfilms adds.

“And if you continue to repeatedly pluck like this, your follicles can become so damaged that it can no longer grow hair,” it states.

The NHS states that although ingrown hairs resemble blistering, itchy pimples, they are not necessarily harmful.

Usually found on the face, neck, thighs, armpits, chest, back, and pubic area, they can be excruciating and even include pus.

The Mayo Clinic cautions that, on a more serious level, ingrown hairs can result in a bacterial infection, which is mostly brought on by scratching, hyperpigmentation, and even certain scars or keloids.

In the meanwhile, the social media simulator offers all the answers you need whether you’ve ever wondered what would happen if you were swallowed by a whale, how a tooth could kill you, what’s beneath your bitten fingernails, or how shrunken, decapitated human heads were originally formed.

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