These Passports Are Prohibited in the United States According to a New Executive Order
On the 20th of January, 2025, President Donald Trump made public his ambitious and controversial immigration agenda. This occurred just a few moments after he took the oath of office with the United States of America.

A series of executive orders that were wide in scope were issued by the newly inaugurated president of the United States, which resulted in significant adjustments in the way that the United States government takes to immigration policy. For example, the following are some of the measures that received the greatest attention:
Put an end to citizenship based on birthright entitlement
This order, which tries to dramatically revise a principle that has been firmly ingrained in the legal system of the United States, is possibly the most contentious of these directives.
A directive has been issued to government agencies instructing them to deny citizenship to children who were born in the United States of America if the parents of those children do not meet certain requirements.

To be more explicit, children who are born to mothers who are either undocumented or on temporary visas and whose fathers are neither nationals or permanent residents of the United States will no longer be eligible for citizenship. This is because the fathers of these children will no longer be able to live in the country.
In addition, the regulation has the effect of preventing these children from obtaining passports to enter the United States once thirty days have passed since the prohibition was signed.

On the other hand, the repercussions of this ruling are not yet fully understood, and there is no definitive indication of the legal situation that these infants will be in when they are born. Some individuals are of the opinion that this could lead to a generation of individuals who do not possess a nationality, which would then lead to heated debates concerning the legitimacy of the decree and its impact on humanitarian assistance.
Enhanced Vetting Procedures and Participation in Task Forces
Additionally, in conjunction with the birthright citizenship directive, other orders that prioritize immigration enforcement have been issued. These orders have been issued.

The establishment of “Homeland Security Task Forces” and the adoption of new screening procedures for immigrants that are more stringent are both included in these instructions. In order to strengthen national security and ensure that immigration pathways are subject to a more stringent level of government monitoring, the administration asserts that these regulations are intended to be implemented.
Recording of executive orders and directives
As a bold statement of his authority as he charts a new course for his administration, President Donald Trump is alleged to have signed over 200 executive orders in a single day, according to BBC News. This is a demonstration of his authority. In contrast to legislation, executive orders are directions that are issued by the president to the federal government (also known as the executive branch).
It is possible to make big changes with the stroke of a pen thanks to these directives, which circumvent Congress and make it easier to do so.
In accordance with the provocative title of one of the orders that he signed, which read, “Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government,” he really signed one of the orders that sparked the most controversy.

After it was presented, the legislation instantly sparked controversy since it wants to redefine gender in federal policy as only male and female. This decision was made shortly after the legislation was submitted.
In accordance with the Executive Order, the Most Significant Alterations
A number of the most important effects that this arrangement has brought about are as follows:
The policies of the prisons would change such that transgender people would no longer be held in female prisons. This measure was touted as assuring “biological truth,” although it was heavily slammed by LGBTQ+ organizations as being hurtful and discriminatory.
Non-binary Americans were also the target of the order, which was geared targeting passports for non-binary people.

The United States Department of State has implemented a ban on all applications for passports that include the “X” gender identification, which was initially announced in October of 2021. This restriction applies to all new passport applications. Beginning right away, this restriction will be in effect.
The potential for this legislation to have an effect on about 1.2 million individuals in the United States who identify as non-binary is a significant possibility.
The elimination of the use of “X” markers and the implementation of binary
An email sent by Secretary of State Marco Rubio, which was obtained by The Guardian, was used to underline the view that the government holds. He made the following statement: “The United States of America adopts the policy that an individual’s sex cannot be changed.”
As a direct consequence of Rubio’s direction, the staff was instructed to immediately stop any applications that demanded a “X” marker or any other adjustments to the sex identifier. Individuals who do not identify as either male or female were essentially deprived of the opportunity to participate in this activity.

For the time being, passports that are already in existence and have the classification “X” will continue to be valid. However, as a result of the new rules, it is predicted that the processes of renewing and updating passports will be substantially more complex.
The possibility that this could lead to a significant number of non-binary Americans being unable to travel in the near future due to a lack of proper travel documents has been raised by those who are opposed to the proposal.