Is This Unsettling Gettysburg Film Evidence That Ghosts Exist Among Us?
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, is the site of the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War. The location is still regarded as haunted today due to the fact that the conflict claimed the lives of thousands of American soldiers. Additionally, the site is the site of President Abraham Lincoln’s renowned Gettysburg Address, which will be included in full in this article later.
The site of the Gettysburg fight has been notoriously haunted in the more than 150 years since the conflict left thousands of people dead in the ditches. Confederate General Robert E. Lee was forced to retreat back to Union forces after what turned out to be his last invasion of the civilized North.

Greg Yuelling of New Jersey thinks he has captured a once-in-a-lifetime ghost sighting in the video that is provided below. He thinks he has footage from September 2, 2022, showing ghosts wandering the battleground, which is now a national park, that he took while driving through it at night.
The Gettysburg Address, given by Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863:
“Our fathers founded a new nation on this continent four score and seven years ago, conceived in liberty and devoted to the idea that all men are created equal.
We are currently fighting a protracted civil war to see how long that nation—or any nation with such a strong foundation—can last. We encounter each other on that war’s vast battlefield. We are here to dedicate a piece of that field as the ultimate resting place for those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that their country could survive. We should take this action as it is entirely appropriate and fitting.
However, in a broader sense, we are unable to hallow, consecrate, or devote this site. It is dedicated by the valiant warriors who fought here, both alive and dead, well beyond our meager ability to add to or take away from it. The world won’t take much notice of what we say or remember for very long, but what they did here will always be remembered. Rather, it is up to us alive to dedicate ourselves to the incomplete task that the brave warriors who have fought here have so valiantly advanced thus far. Rather, we should be here committed to the great task that lies ahead of us; we should learn greater devotion to the cause from these honored dead, for which they gave their all; we should be here determined that these dead will not have died in vain; that this nation will experience a new birth of freedom under God; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, will not disappear from the face of the planet.
More films like this one from Gettysburg are showing spirits in action since the invention of contemporary technology.
Do you believe that the Gettysburg battlefield is still haunted? View the video.