He Promised to Stay Home with Our Son, but Then He Made Me Quit My Career

My husband vowed to stay at home and raise my son when he asked for one, allowing me to continue in my hard-won career. However, he had a change of heart after the birth of our child and attempted to make me give up everything I had fought so hard to achieve.

I believed I had found the right person to build my future with when I married Nick.

Prior to our marriage, we had been dating for five years. A good five years. We never got into arguments, always felt like we were on the same team, and laughed a lot.

Nick was the type of man who could light up a room; he was hilarious and engaging. He had a marketing job. Although stable, it wasn’t exactly his ideal employment. Conversely, I worked as a lawyer. A very good one. Nick never made as much money as I did after working my way up at a prestigious legal firm and handling high-profile cases.

And that was all well with us.

Nick never showed genuine enthusiasm for anything other than having a son.

He would say, “I can already visualise it.” “We fixed a car together, taught him baseball, and gave him everything I never had.”

He would ramble on about it, smiling like a child. All he ever wanted was it.

Myself? I wasn’t anti-children. However, I was also not rushing. My work was my life. To get here, I had put in too much effort.

I never felt pushed by Nick. He actually made the most significant commitment of all.

“I’ll stay at home with our boy when we finally have him,” he once assured me. “You have put in too much effort to give this up. I will assume the position of father full-time.

I recall looking at him with awe.

“Are you sure?” “What?” I enquired.

“Obviously,” he said without hesitation. “This is what I want.” I want to spend every day there. You, too? You continue to act in the same manner. We will be the ideal group.

I had faith in him.

And I ultimately agreed because I trusted him. We began to attempt.

It was not instantaneous. It took me two years to see those two pink lines. Nick felt ecstatic.

A boy! I know it! He yelled as he lifted me off the ground and whirled me around.

The doctor’s confirmation sent Nick into full-on dad mode. He told everyone. Even the grocery store cashier, his parents, his coworkers, and his gym friends.

“I’m going to be a stay-at-home dad,” he would declare with pride. “The best work in the world.”

It made me delighted to see him that pleased.

Although Nick’s excitement made the pregnancy easier, it wasn’t easy. We all worked together to beautify the nursery. He read literature about caring for infants. He took it so seriously that one night he even attempted swaddling a plush bear.

Nick was a nervous mess when the contractions began. When I finally held our son in my arms, it was all worth it, even though I was in pain, tired, and experiencing every emotion imaginable.

Nick wiped his eyes. “He’s flawless.”

It’s it, I thought. This is what we anticipated. We are truly taking this action. When we brought our son home, the dream seemed to come true for a brief moment. After that, things began to shift.
Sleepless evenings and newborn turmoil filled the first week. Despite my weariness, I kept telling myself that Nick had this. We work together as a team.

After that, though, the excuses began.

The same thing happened each night. Nick would pause as the baby cried. “I think he needs you more than me,” Nick would sigh if I didn’t take him up immediately.

It also began to infiltrate the daylight.

“Is it possible to transform him quickly? I simply sat down.

Could you take over? He is picky, and I’m suffering from a headache.

Even though I was fatigued from juggling work emails and nursing, I convinced myself that he was simply adjusting.

But one night, everything changed.

As I sat on the couch, I used one arm to nurse our son and the other to type an email. I couldn’t afford to ignore a question a partner at the firm had regarding a case.

Nick entered, leaned on the door, and observed me for a while. Then, in the most informal way possible, he remarked, “To be honest, I’ve been thinking… perhaps you ought to resign your job. Simply remain at home with him all the time.

I thought he was kidding and gave a little giggle.

I looked up to see him grinning.

“Oh,” he continued, “come on.” “I assume you didn’t believe I was sincere about remaining at home? Mothers are always at home. I assumed that it would take over—your innate instinct, you know.

I drew in my breath.

I said, “Nick,” as coolly as I could. “Remember what you said you would do for me? You assured me that I wouldn’t have to abandon my profession. You declared yourself to be the parent who stays at home.

“Plans may change,” he whispered.

My jaw tightened. “No.” You have evolved.

Never to be deterred, he shrugged. “I merely had the idea… I am not sure. I assumed that after the baby was born, you would feel different.

“Do you feel different now?” I was now raising my voice. “Nick, I started my career from scratch. It wasn’t like I suddenly became an attorney. I worked really hard. And you were aware of that. You assured me it wouldn’t need to change.

Nick gave me a headshake as if I didn’t understand. I just believe that the baby needs you more, you see. I’m not trying to be cruel, really. I simply believe that a mother who prioritises her job over her child is being selfish.

I was slapped by that word.

“Selfish?” Again, I said.

He said, “Come on.” “You understand my meaning.”

I gripped the edge of the table so tightly that my fingers ached as I peered at him. It was that. The instant I lost everything.

Okay. I would give up. But according to my terms.

I discovered Nick browsing through his phone at the kitchen table the following morning.

I made myself a cup of coffee, took a seat across from him, and talked quietly.

“That’s correct,” I answered. “I’m going to quit my job.”

Nick jerked his head up. He glowed like a child on Christmas morning.

“Really?” he enquired.

My smile came. “Yes. There is one requirement, though.

He waited for a charming little agreement while leaning in.

“I quit on the same day that we file for divorce.”

His smile vanished.


I sipped my coffee and let my remarks to land. “I will never again respect you if I give up. Nick, you were unfaithful. You gave me the impression that we were partners, but you quickly changed your mind when things became serious. As a result, you will pay child support based on my actual earnings, but I will quit my work. Additionally, I will assume full custody because I will not raise my son with a man who breaks his word.

Nick’s eyes blinked. “You aren’t being serious.”

My head cocked. “Yes, I am. The court will adore hearing how you forced me to resign after promising to take care of the kids, I assure you.

His lips parted, then closed again. He didn’t seem to have anticipated my retaliation, and he appeared totally disoriented.

He went to his parents’ place that evening after packing a bag. That’s okay with me.

My telephone rang the following afternoon. Mom of Nick.

I answered with a groan. “Hello, Susan.”

“Honey,” she murmured softly, “know that we’re with you.”

That surprised me. “Pardon me?”

Sighing, she said. Nick gave us all the details. To put it mildly, his father had some things to say to him.

I sat up. “What sort of words?”

After a moment of hesitation, I heard his father’s voice complaining in the background.

“He promised,” his father angrily said. He can’t just back out because it’s difficult. Does he really believe he can take away the hard work that woman put into developing her career? Everyone knew he would remain at home. Everybody.

I squeezed my lips together, experiencing a peculiar mixture of astonishment and satisfaction.

Susan re-entered the call. He feels ashamed. And in all honesty? “He ought to be.”

Yes, I replied. “He ought to.”

After a few days, Nick returned home.

His appearance changed. quieter. He sat with his hands rubbing together across from me.

“I was afraid,” he acknowledged. When things became difficult, I panicked because I believed I could succeed. Because I don’t know, I tried to force it on you. All I wanted was for it to be simpler.

My arms were crossed. “Easier for whom?”

He blew out a breath. “For myself.”

Lastly. Be a little honest.

Nick raised his head to gaze at me. “I was mistaken.” That makes sense now. And I apologise. I wish to put things right.

I saw the man I married for the first time since the birth of the child. We sat down to create new guidelines.

I maintained my work. Nick took charge—really took charge. He prepared meals, gave the infant night feedings, and looked after him. My extended workdays required us to hire a part-time nanny.

Nick became the father he always said he wanted to be after several months.

Is it faultless? No. But it’s true.

Occasionally, when things become difficult, I tell him, “You know, I was serious about the divorce.”

Nick’s smile. “Yes, and I will never again take that chance.”

The lesson is to never be unfaithful, especially to a lawyer.

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