Even though he has tattoos covering more than 97% of his body, the father claims that he has spent more than £240,000 on them, with £80,000 of that amount being spent in the past year alone.

Remy, Jeremy Schofield has dark skin all over all of his body with the exception of his face and palms. He had to put in a lot of effort over the course of several years.
In order to maintain the vibrancy of the colors, he had the artwork dyed multiple times. He has been under the needle for around 2200 hours over the course of his life.
The number of individuals who follow him on Instagram (@ephemeral_Remy) is over 85,000, and he has no intention of stopping by any time soon.

“My whole body has been tattooed [many times],” the tattoo shop manager, who is 36 years old and once worked as a chef, said in an interview with What’s The Jam.
Jeremy Schofield, also known as Remy, is a tattoo artist who has tattoos covering more than 97% of his body and have a total value of approximately £240,000.

As part of his mission to become the guy with the most tattoos in history, he has already spent more than 2,200 hours getting tattoos. He is proving his opponents wrong and exceeding their expectations.
“For the previous seven years, I have been attending a very small number of sessions, and at the moment, I am only attending two sessions each week.
Prior to that, I would occasionally have as many as five sessions per week.
At this very moment, I am working on a jumpsuit that is full of blackout colors, and I will soon be working on the backside of it.

Aside from that, I am confident that I have more tattoos than anyone else in the history of the world.
Jeremy Schofield, also known as Remy, is a tattoo artist who has tattoos covering more than 97% of his body and have a total value of approximately £240,000. After spending more than 2,200 hours under the needle, he is overcoming the naysayers and going above and beyond in his pursuit to become the person who has the most tattoos in the history of the world.
It would appear that the father does not adhere to any regulations in his life. Sarah is his wife, and they have a kid named Ivan who is in his teenage years.
By discussing his most painful tattoo, which is located on the inside of his buttocks, as well as the time he had “vampire” fangs put in, Remy has already garnered a significant amount of attention from the media by talking about these tattoos.

This individual’s torso is covered in skulls, black lines, and an eye that is located under the nipples.
Despite the fact that the father does not feel guilty about what he done, he is constantly subjected to cruel comments on the internet from those who tag his account due to the fact that he appears to be unusual.
Remy told Jam Press in the past, “Most of the work I do now has been widely ruled impossible by the ‘experts,’ and I prove them wrong every day.”
“Every day, crazy, stupid people say rude things on the internet, but when I meet them in real life, they only say nice things like being interested in me and praising me.”
In light of the fact that the majority of my son’s friends follow me on TikTok, they are always delighted to see me. There were even some individuals who requested photographs and autographs from me.

My TikTok is followed by them, and they have even invited me to take selfies with them and get their autographs. The people that are close to my son are quite happy to find me.
Jeremy Schofield, also known as Remy, is a tattoo artist who has tattoos covering more than 97% of his body and have a total value of approximately £240,000. After spending more than 2,200 hours under the needle, he is overcoming the naysayers and going above and beyond in his pursuit to become the person who has the most tattoos in the history of the world.
I only feel “hate” when I see certain things on social media.
In my opinion, the use of social media makes it much simpler for many people to behave in a manner that is significantly more cruel than they would ever be in real life.
Remy Schofield, whose true name is Jeremy Schofield, is a well-known tattoo artist who has invested an incredible amount of time and money in order to achieve his aim of being one of the most inked persons in the history of the world.

The path that Remy has taken demonstrates how committed and enthusiastic he is about body art, as he has tattoos covering more than 97% of his complete body. Mean remarks and trolls on the internet are not something that bother her at all. On the other hand, she is concentrating on her work and the enjoyable times she enjoys with her supporters and admirers.
The journey that he is on is not only about the tattoos, but it is also about who he is and how he expresses himself. As a parent and a husband, Remy manages to maintain a healthy balance between his commitment to his family and his pursuit of an art form that many people may find peculiar.
He has been able to cultivate a significant fan base and an arts community that is supportive of him by being open and honest about the discomfort and difficulties that are associated with his tattoos, as well as by being ready to share his adventures on social media.
When it comes to tattooing, Remy continues to push the boundaries of what is possible. In terms of being a strong and accepting example of oneself, he is an excellent example.
His tale has the potential to serve as a source of motivation for individuals who are experiencing feelings of isolation or confusion on their own individual journeys.
In a society where conformity is the norm, Remy is a representation of the independent spirit and artistic freedom that he embodies. He illustrates to us that there are numerous methods in which we can express ourselves.