Father Stunned by His Daughter’s Unexpected Words in Prayer!

“God bless Mommy, God bless Daddy, God bless Grandma, good-bye, Grandpa,” murmured a 3-year-old daughter as her father put her to bed.

“Grandpa, why are you leaving?” he enquired curiously. She only said, “It felt right.”

The news of Grandpa’s death reached the family the following morning. As a coincidence, the father brushed it off.

“Goodbye Grandma,” she prayed months later, and the following day, Grandma passed away.

The father became alarmed upon discovering his daughter’s ability to foretell deaths.

“Goodbye Daddy” was how she concluded her prayer one evening.

He was so terrified that he worked through the night. At last, he calmed down and went home when nothing happened.

“What caused you to be so late?” his wife enquired.

“You would not believe my day!” he exclaimed.

Her reply was, “Yours? My boss passed away during a meeting!

As a father was putting his daughter, age three, to bed, she recited her nightly prayer:

God bless Grandma, God bless Daddy, and God bless Mommy. Grandpa, good-bye.

“Why goodbye, Grandpa?” he enquired, bewildered.

She gave a shoulder shrug. “It just seemed right.”

Grandpa had died, they learnt shockingly the following morning.

It was dismissed as a coincidence by the father.

When she went to bed a few months later, she said the same prayer:

“Goodbye, Grandma.”

The following day, Grandma was not there.

The father was now certain that his daughter had a supernatural talent, and he became anxious whenever she prayed.

She ended one evening by saying, “Goodbye Daddy.”

There was panic. He stayed up late, called in ill, stayed away from anything even somewhat risky, and was tense all day. When midnight arrived, he was still alive.

He drove home, fatigued but victorious, relieved.

At the door, his wife greeted him. “Why do you arrive so late?”

He mumbled, still gasping for air, “You wouldn’t believe the day I had.”

Sighing, she said. Tell me about it. Midway through a meeting, my employer passed away!

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