An elderly married couple had just gone into bed when the elderly man let out a loud fart and declared, “Seven points!” before the couple jumped out of bed.
After rolling over, his wife said, “What was all that about?” She was perplexed by the situation.
The elderly gentleman responded with a grin and said, “It’s fart football.”
After a few minutes had passed, the wife, who did not like to be excluded, let one go and gleefully announced, “Touchdown, tie game!”
After a little pause, the elderly guy exclaimed, “Aha, 14 to 7!” and then proceeded to fire off another one. “I am the victor.”

“Touchdown, tie game again,” the wife yelled and let loose with another big one, demonstrating her determination to keep up with the pace.
Following that, she spoke the words, “Field goal!” with a slight squeak. “I am currently in the lead, 17 to 14.”
As the strain increased, the elderly guy could no longer bear the idea of coming out on the losing end. Despite the fact that he exerted a little bit more work than necessary, he was resolute in his determination to avoid failure. He was shocked to discover that he had faeces in the bed by accident.
After being taken aback, his wife questioned, “What on earth just happened?”
A sigh came out of the elderly man’s mouth as he stated, “Half time—time to switch sides.”
An additional joke: “Dad, what exactly are you talking about?” While on the phone, the son let out a scream.
A response was given by the father, who stated, “We can’t stand the sight of each other any longer.” It’s getting old for me to talk about this topic, and I’m sick of seeing her face. After saying, “So call your sister and tell her,” he hung up the phone.
In a state of terror, the son communicated with his sister. “Like hell, they’re getting divorced!” she screamed out in a loud voice. Immediately, she called her father on the phone.
You are not going to enter into a divorce! No other action should be taken. In order to discuss this matter, the two of us are going to fly back home tomorrow. Until then, you should not make a phone call to a lawyer or submit a paper. WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME? The phone was knocked out of her hand.
“Okay, they’re both coming for Christmas and paying their own airfares,” the elderly man stated to his wife as he turned to face her.