In a recent scandal, actress and activist Alyssa Milano publicly blamed her waning Hollywood career and continuous financial struggles on
Elon Musk, asserting that his control of Twitter, which has since changed its name to X, has severely harmed her career and reduced her acting prospects.

Milano made the open claim in a podcast interview that Musk’s advocacy of an unrestrained form of free speech has made hate speech more prevalent.
She feels that producers and casting directors have been put off by the toxic environment created by false information and targeted online harassment.
According to Milano, there has been a discernible cultural change since Musk took over, and vocal celebrities like herself,
who speak up on delicate social and political matters now encounter increased animosity and professional retaliation.
According to her, Musk’s influence has unintentionally fostered an environment in which business executives avoid association with controversial people out of concern about internet disputes or boycotts that can harm their businesses.
Milano talked openly about her professional losses and the severe financial hardship that the lack of performing roles has caused her to endure.
She disclosed that shrinking work prospects had compelled her to drastically cut costs and drastically scale back her lifestyle.
Drawing attention to the tough economic realities that activists in the entertainment business must contend with.
Despite criticism from some who see her assertions as an effort to place the responsibility for her difficulties elsewhere, Milano is unwavering in her beliefs.
She underlined that she will keep fighting for causes she believes in even though activism has real emotional and professional implications.
regardless of the possible repercussions.
In the entertainment industry and on social media, Milano’s remarks have generated discussion, with supporters
Critics accused her of evading responsibility for her own professional path, while others praised her bravery for being open about the industry’s unwillingness to accept politically engaged persons.
The controversy highlights how personal activism and professional sustainability continue to clash in Hollywood.
An era of divisive online speech exacerbated the situation.
Despite the ongoing debate around Milano’s remarks, the actress is adamant about her position.
showing the wider influence that influential people like Musk have on public opinion and professional reputations, as well as the personal costs associated with speaking out in public.