At the Berlin Zoo, a polar bear attacked a thirty-two-year-old lady who had jumped into its enclosure.
Mandy K, 32, was mauled by a polar bear on Friday at the Berlin Zoo after she jumped into the enclosure while it was feeding time. She had to clamber over a wall, a row of hedges, and a fence to get inside the cage.
The bear attacked her as she jumped into the enclosure, breaking her arms, legs, and back severely. Six zookeepers tried to distract the four bears, but one of them “repeatedly bit the victim on the arms and legs.” After frightening the bear away, the zookeepers were able to save Mandy.
She had surgery to heal her wounds, and is currently recuperating in the hospital. Spokesman for the zoo voiced their alarm about the occurrence, highlighting the risks associated with it as well as the difficulties zookeepers encountered in carrying out the rescue.
It was subsequently disclosed that Mandy, a teacher, had become hopeless due to her inability to secure employment. Questions concerning mental health and the difficulties people confront in stressful settings have been brought up by this incident.

Officials from the zoo are examining security protocols to avert such occurrences in the future. They implore guests to be mindful of the possible risks associated with approaching wild animals and to respect the barriers.