The internet never fails to amaze us with a wide variety of unexpected things, as is its customary practice. A story that went viral in 2025 had everyone talking about it. What is the subject? The toenails. A lot of individuals are surprised to hear that they may have been cutting their toenails wrong all along, despite the fact that proper toenail care is vital for maintaining healthy feet and is sometimes disregarded.
The significance of ensuring that your toenails are cut correctly

One might consider the act of cutting one’s toenails to be a dull task. However, if you fail to properly care for your feet, you may end up with a variety of problems, including infections, ingrown toenails, and discomfort when you wear shoes. Regular and appropriate maintenance is therefore essential, and it has the potential to radically alter the quality of your life.
What are ingrown toenails, and why do they occur in the first place?

An ingrown toenail is a painful condition. These conditions manifest themselves when the edges of the nail grow into the skin that surrounds them, which results in inflammation, oedema, and frequently infection. It was commonly believed that the best way to trim toenails was to make the edges of the nails rounder, to cut the nails too short, or even to trim them unevenly. It has been demonstrated that this is, in no way, accurate.
It was the viral video that finally put things in perspective.

The video that Creative Learning released, which proved the appropriate method, resulted in a significant amount of waves being generated on the internet. According to the guide, the most effective method for preventing ingrown toenails is to cut them in a straight line across the toenails. Both minimising rounded edges and avoiding cutting them too short were aspects that were emphasised in the film as being advantageous. This left viewers nearly speechless due to the fact that the appropriate method was so straightforward.
All kinds of responses emerged across various social media platforms. To be more specific, the very same method was demonstrated in a video that was uploaded to the “Interesting As F***” section of X. This resulted in people coming out of every nook and cranny, acknowledging that the majority of them had been doing it incorrectly for the majority of their lives. One user remarked, “I can confirm that the first method causes ingrown toenails, and they are extremely painful.” Another user posted their new mantra, which was, “Cut toenails straight across to prevent ingrown nails.” Do not cut too short, and file any edges that are sharp. To achieve softer nails, trim them after you shower. Easier maintenance, less complications.”
Guide to Clipping Your Toenails Step-by-Step, Provided by Healthline

A detailed advice on how to properly care for one’s toenails was brought to the attention of the online community by Healthline, which is a reliable resource. Because the process, of course, necessitates the utilisation of the appropriate instruments, they went to the extent of explaining this in their guide:
Different Nail Clippers: When clipping toenails, use a larger clipper that is made exclusively for the task. This eliminates the possibility of bacteria or fungi being transferred from the hands to the feet.
Extensive cleaning of the tools: In order to maintain proper hygiene and prevent infections, you should sanitise your clippers after each usage.
Cut every six to eight weeks: For the most majority of people, this interval is enough; however, individuals who engage in physical activity may require more frequent nail trimming in order to prevent overgrowth.
The Proper Way to Shape and Trim Your Toenails

Because the majority of people actually end up doing more harm than good because they are unable to comprehend the appropriate method that they ought to be following in order to guarantee the finest results, it is essential to furthermore make certain that you are following these measures in order to achieve the best possible outcomes:
When you cut your nails after you shower, your nails will be softer and easier to trim.
Utilise Two Cuts for Each Nail: To begin, make a small cut that is slightly off to the side in order to create a straight edge. Finally, proceed with the second cut in order to complete the nail.
In order to prevent the nail from growing into the skin, it is important to always cut across in a straight line or straight across. Do not round the edges, even if doing so appears to be more organised.
Take care not to cut too short: to In order to lessen the likelihood of causing irritation or injury, you should leave a tiny piece of nail above the skin.
Putting the Final Cap on It: Filing and upkeep of the system

After your nails have been cut appropriately, it is critically important to use a nail file to smooth out any rough edges that may have been left behind. It is important to note that this not only guarantees a clean finish, but it also protects your nails from becoming caught on your socks or shoes. In addition, when you do it correctly, you lessen the likelihood of your toenails splitting or cracking, which can result in injuries or overall discomfort throughout the body.
The Importance of Using the Appropriate Method

Toenails that are healthy are more than just a cosmetic choice. They contribute to the well-being and functionality of daily life. You will be able to prevent all of the discomfort and risks of infection if you implement the tactics that have been described above. This will save you from having to seek the assistance of paediatricians and other specialists. ensuring that your feet remain in the best possible condition.
A Modest Alteration That Will Have Huge Benefits

One can have a negative attitude towards the internet for a variety of reasons; nonetheless, it is impossible to dispute the advantages of having access to important information through social media. It is possible to get halfway there by adhering to the most basic standards, which include cutting across in a straight line and avoiding trimming that is too short.
It is possible to avoid infections and unnecessary suffering by ensuring that the tools are kept clean and in proper condition. It is highly possible that you will notice significant benefits to your health if you make these relatively minor adjustments. The fact that this is practically living proof that the internet can sometimes serve a significant purpose is demonstrated by the fact that.